70c5a6ed2a House System | The Holt School

House System

House System

The House system is an integral part of the life at The Holt School and aims to provide a sense of competition and fun through a range of school based activities.  All students and members of staff are attached to one of the eight Houses, which are named after traditional women’s London guilds:

House Name & Colour
Broderers - Grey
Clothworkers – Orange
Goldsmiths - Yellow
Haberdashers – Pink
Lacemakers – Green
Spinners – Red
Tanners – Light blue
Weaver - Purple

Roles and Responsibility

Each term in Years 7-9, a team of five House Captains are elected by secret ballot with one person taking the role of Head House Captain. Within each form, collectively the team is responsible for delivering Thought for The Week, reporting agenda items to the Year Council, ensuring the agenda items and minutes or Year Council and Student Council meetings are discussed and actions reported back, organising house activities and most importantly making sure all members of the form feel involved and valued. Year 10 prefects are chosen through an interview process in the Spring term and they become the senior prefects through to the Spring term in Year 11. They play an important role in leading house activities and they are role models to the lower years as they generate a team spirit and encourage participation. They act as tour guides to visitors and they meet and greet on open mornings and evenings.

House assemblies are held each half term, led by the House prefects and the Head of House.
The House system is central to the spirit of the school; it brings together girls across all year groups, a sense of belonging, competitiveness and creates opportunities for everyone to take part in the activities. There are many House competitions including: drama, music, maths, rounders, athletics, netball, hockey, science, technology, psychology, history, geography and charity, giving all students an opportunity to represent their House.

Each House raises money for a charity chosen by the girls of the House. The House assemblies often invite speakers in from their chosen charity and our Harvest Assembly is a highlight on the House charity calendar. We have a charity coordinator and two Sixth Form charity prefects.