Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends,
With October half term in sight, our range of school events continues!
Last week, Year 7 took part in workshops from Soulscape called FUSE about friendships and what it means to be a part of a community. This workshop looked at how we can be kind to ourselves as well as to others and how our words affect others.
Miss Harris wrote the following:
It was lovely to see the Year 7 forms discussing these topics in a mature and thoughtful way, considering various scenarios and how would be the best way to handle them, whilst also acknowledging that sometimes, in the heat of the moment, we don’t always react in the best possible way. The groups also considered what sort of things in their lives might add to their positive mental health, with pizza, pets, and singing loudly topping the discussions! Michelle, who ran the sessions, said that the students all engaged well with the sessions.
It has also been a busy Autumn term already for the drama department. At the beginning of term all students were invited to take part in the Drama departments ‘The 39 Steps’ workshop allowing all students to explore this year’s whole school play. This workshop was led by Mrs Bennett and Miss Edwards, where students explored plot, characters, and styles of the play. This workshop was attended by over 100 students from year 7 all the way to year 12.

A week later the drama department hosted The 39 steps auditions which was once again attended by large number of students. So many students auditioned that the Drama department hosted a call back workshop to enable staff to see wider range of students and make the correct decisions on casting.

There has certainly been a ‘buzz’ around the school about the play, and it was great to see so many getting involved in not only the auditions but also in support, technology and backstage roles. We can not wait to see the play in the spring term!
Meanwhile in KS3 Drama club, students have been rehearsing and the preparing for a performance of Daisy Pulls it off, this was a great production which involved all students from year 8,9 and 10.

Here is what one of our students, Emily had to say about the performance:
Daisy Pulls it off was a great experience in it all. Working with the younger years to put together a small production was a very fun way of getting to know everyone. As a year 10 it was a nice final moment to have in KS3 Drama club. Spending our Friday afternoon perfecting the play was a highlight of my week. The atmosphere was always buzzing with excitement for everyone involved, getting everything ready for the performance. As the play got closer and closer, we had more rehearsals getting our timings and our props to be perfect. As parents arrived, we all had one last chat and a quick warm up to pump everyone up to do their very best in this production. We were so proud to put on this production thanks to Miss Edwards and all the helpers from the years above. We were all truly grateful for the whole experience of Daisy Pulls It off.
And finally, our traditional event of the autumn term our Harvest assembly took place last week. A lot of preparation goes in to making sure the event is a success. Our Year 11 prefects as well as Year 7 and 8 students created displays on the theme of food security. These displays were judged, and after some lengthy deliberation the results were:
1st – Lacemakers
2nd- Haberdashers
3rd – Weavers
Thank you to the Student Leadership Team, the senior prefects, forms who put together donations, our musical performers and Farmer Lewis (aka Dr Lewis) who led the senior prefects with some fantastic dance moves, but also terrible jokes.

Year 11 then delivered 85 boxes of produce to the local community and the remainder of the food was taken to Wokingham Food bank and Wade day centre. If you are struggling to imagine 85 boxes of produce, it equates to 3 cars worth of food!
Thank you to all members of The Holt community for your generous donations.
Emma Ward
Assistant Headteacher