Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends
Last week, I received an email from the Sixth Form Team that had been forwarded to the school by an ex-student. She was seeking some information needed to join the Geological Association in Canada. After looking up the letters after her name, I discovered that she is now a Fellow of the Royal Geological Society and holds a master’s degree in science. I remember teaching her geography several years ago, and it is truly inspiring to see how far she has progressed in her career and the incredible opportunities she is now pursuing. Mrs. Salamut-Ward recently mentioned in her blog about a guest speaker who studied Psychology as one of her A-levels and now works in the local mental health field. Similarly, last week, another ex-student visited the PE department. She is in the final year of her sports science degree and wanted to volunteer in the department during her winter break. One of the most rewarding aspects of our profession is hearing about our students’ career journeys and life achievements. It is always a pleasure to reconnect with former students and hear their news.
I often wonder if these students think back to Year 9, when they first had the opportunity to make subject choices that would eventually shape their future careers. This important process has just begun for our current Year 9 students, as Mr Adams launched the options process in assembly last week. Throughout this week, they have attended assemblies introducing new subjects such as business studies, health & social care, and child development, alongside detailed insights into technology subjects.
We are currently in the midst of Option Awareness Week, where teachers from various departments, including geography, are showcasing their subjects and sharing their enthusiasm with students. Year 9 students will be selecting three option subjects, and I do not envy them the tough choices ahead! A taster day at the end of this half-term will provide them with further guidance to help make their decisions.
On the sporting front, we have had some fantastic successes over the weekend. A huge congratulations to Lola and Sophie, who both brought home medals from the County Sports hall Athletics Championships! Sophie earned a Gold medal, while Lola secured a Bronze and Marnie and Matilda also made it straight through to Nationals. As well as that The Holt is now Berkshire Schools’ cross-country champions! A huge well done to the U15 team who won the team race out of all of the other schools in Berkshire. Well done, girls—we are all incredibly proud of your achievements! 🏃🏻♀️🏅🏆 Thank you also to the PE staff who gave up their weekend to escort the team.

As I write this, I am preparing to present at an ECT (Early Career Teacher) mentor training session. This is an important part of my role as Induction Tutor for new entrants to the teaching profession. It is wonderful to spend time with mentors who are supporting our newest teachers and helping them navigate their early careers, across Wokingham secondary schools we had 27 brand new entrants to the profession in September last year.
I am also looking forward to welcoming our next group of Reading Partnership trainee teachers in February while bidding farewell to our current trainees as they move on to their next placement. This marks the first stage of the three-year training programme to become a fully qualified teacher. If you are considering a career in teaching, please contact Julian Bushell at or visit our school website for more information. I understand there is currently a shortage of History and Technology trainees, so now is a great time to explore opportunities in these fields.
Teaching truly is a rewarding profession!
Mrs Y Smith
Assistant Headteacher