Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends,
The summer term is a great time to celebrate the achievements of the year that has been, whilst also welcoming our new students in preparation for September.
Starting with our celebrations, our Year 13 leavers’ party took place this week at Hamlet in Wokingham. Our Year 13s have persevered through all their exams, and it was a great chance to celebrate their time in the sixth form. The night was a huge success, and there was definitely a strong Taylor Swift theme from the DJ as well a love of the ‘Korean chicken’ dish! Good luck to all of the Year 13 for their future pathways.

We also held our annual Sports Personality of the Year last week. It was a wonderful evening to celebrate all the sporting achievements of our students over the last year. Congratulations to all that were invited and to our award winners. We were also delighted to invite a guest speaker Kadeen Corbin who plays netball for Team Bath and the England Roses. She delivered a great speech to our students which was inspiring to all, it was really valuable to hear about her journey in sport.

A huge thank you to our PE department for all the organisation of the event and for the work that they do throughout the year to support the achievements of our students. Alongside the extra-curricular clubs they run each week, they also went to a whopping 239 fixtures this year.
Also, congratulations to our Year 11 students who also had their final exams last week. All those weeks of revision and hard work have paid off and a lovely relaxing summer is ahead. As well as the prom to look forward to this week, they also had their sixth form induction day last week. This gave the students a chance to ask any questions they needed to get ready for September, and they were able to start to get excited for their A-level subject choices. The weather was on our side and our new Year 12s had BBQ in the sunshine in the afternoon. We also hosted our prospective external sixth form students last week with a tour of the school led by our subject prefects and ice creams to finish off the afternoon. It has been a pleasure to get to know some our new sixth formers and we are looking forward to welcoming them in September.
Our Year 12 business students also were looking to the future as they have been learning about different job opportunities available to them after their A-Levels.
Miss Goldschmit told us..
‘Last week Year 12 business students had a talk from an accountant who spoke about her career path and her day-to-day responsibilities at Nandos and her previous accounting role at McDonalds. They asked some insightful questions, the most important one being what your go to Nandos order is! Students have also enjoyed learning about how McDonalds is actually more of a property business than a fast-food chain.’
We are really grateful to have speakers visit us and bring careers to life. Thank you to Miss Goldschmit for organising this.
Now that summer has finally arrived, we are certainly grateful for ice creams being available in the Holt Café this week!
Emma Salamut-Ward
Assistant Headteacher
Head of Sixth Form